Thursday, December 15, 2011

Holiday Loop


The weeks just flew by and before she knew it, the much talked about Holiday Season was wrapping it's glittery arms around her. From yards, parks, and street corners the bright colored Christmas lights in shapes of trees, flakes, canes, and penguins flashed cheerfully as if trying to compensate for the lack of snow. It was beginning to look a lot like Christmas, at least inside. Nature seemed oblivious, but people were well aware that in just a few days much of what just went on the last Thursday of November would take place again as family would fly in from out of state, turkeys would be bought, stuffed and baked, cars, houses, husbands, and kids be deep cleaned and polished and another holiday would come and go. But somehow this one would be different. And it wasn't just the excessive lights, green lawns, and seventy degree weather. Something else had entered into her routine which, regardless of location, added  a new flavor - a more tropical one.


It was a rainy Thursday morning somewhere in the beginning of fall semester. A steady stream of students flowed into the classroom and settled down for fifty minutes of survival class - how to make it to a good old age in a world full of sickness and low quality of life. She was a bit on the late side, as often was the case. The umbrella was still dripping and her dark blue rubber boots made squeaky noises on the polished floor. She went straight for a vacant seat, trying not to make too much eye contact with her peers. It was one of those classes that didn't evoke too much emotion. She was less than engaged but did what was required to get a good grade. As soon as class was dismissed she picked up her bag and umbrella, buttoned her jacket and flung a shawl around her neck. Without saying a word she slipped out of her seat and picked up speed as she headed down the hallway, already thinking about her next destination and leaving no thoughts for the one she just left. But without noticing, she had left something behind. In the mind of a young man was left an impression: "Now there's a nice, Christian, young lady..." And the impression remained just a thought.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

You know it's fall in Florida when...

  • you have to put on sweatpants on a Sunday morning to stay warm
  • the temperature in the apartment is lower than what the AC thermostat is programmed to
  • you open the windows and keep them open
  • the air that comes through the open windows feels like medicine
  • you can go for a walk in the middle of the day and enjoy every minute of it
  • your Indonesian coworker expresses genuine concern about the weather forecast predicting 63F or 17C during the night
Happy fall! :D

Saturday, September 17, 2011

A Day of Great Rejoicing

This blog post is dedicated to my dear friend, Maureen Raj, who today, September 17 2011, left her burdens at the bottom of the baptismal pool and came up clean and redeemed and ready to show the world that her heart belongs to Jesus now and forevermore.
Congratulations, Maureen! All the heavenly hosts rejoiced today and your sister in Orlando joins them in shouting "Hallelujah! Amen!" I can't wait to pick never-fading flowers with you in Heaven one day, soon and very soon...



Monday, August 29, 2011

Timing Is Everything

One of the things I really appreciate about having a Daddy who's also the God of the universe is that even when my family and friends are far away or beyond my electronic reach, I have someone to turn to. It's amazing how the details of my life seem to always be somewhere on God's agenda, and it appears that He loves to take care of practical matters like cars for example. I'll be the first to admit that my knowledge of cars is limited. During my childhood years I was more naturally drawn to dolls, dress-up, horses, cooking etc etc, than vehicles. Interests changed, but I never got hooked on cars... Until now.

About a month ago I purchased my first car. It was a big moment in my journey to adulthood. After a few weeks of agonizing research, evaluation, discussion, prayer, decision, more thinking, more prayer, and a change of mind, I finally caught my black stallion, a 2001 Volvo S60. Despite not being a youngster anymore, with 72,000 miles he was still galloping proudly down the country roads of Missouri. I brought him to Michigan first, loaded him up with three girls' belongings, and headed south. The journey was smooth and comfortable, except for a little static noise from the speakers. (More on that later. And btw, this is not my car, but I don't have a picture of it yet. This is from

Monday, August 22, 2011


After a long, unplanned pause I'm back in my blog. I pictured the setting for the joyous task of writing my next blog post a bit more... inspiring. I'm in my office cubicle in the basement of the Medical Plaza at Florida Hospital Orlando. It's cold, it's gray, it's quiet... it's Monday morning. I brought my laptop to work since there still is no internet in my apartment, one month after it was suppose to be installed. I laughed when I received an email last Friday saying that there would be yet another delay. The big launch is now moved to August 31, not an insignificant day. God is funny. I wasn't even tempted to be upset or start kicking and screaming because I have to wait a couple more weeks to be connected to the world from the comforts of my home. Instead, I'll take the opportunity to log on to the GodBook and stalk Bible characters until I know all about them. I'll poke and message and comment and like and befriend until I'm completely lost in God's Word and forget all about the world around. I will, in due time, return to relate some of the observations I've made over the last few weeks, but for now I'll leave you with this little nugget from my pink little Princess Promises book that I keep handy at my desk:

Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.
Colossians 3:23

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Once upon a time...

There was a girl. The girl traveled to a land far, far away. She met gentle giants, fought fire-spewing dragons, climbed mountains, followed rainbows and found gold. All the while she kept a song in her heart, a song which is about to escape. For when her joys and comforts die, the Lord her Savior liveth, and when the darkness gathers round, songs in the night He giveth. No storm can shake her inmost calm when to that Refuge clinging...

This is my story, this is my song. Since Christ is Lord of Heaven, Earth, and my heart, how can I keep from singing?